Delhi NCR

Online Guide to Malls Feat. Malls, Brands, Stores, Restaurants, Entertainment, Deals, Events, Sales in malls in Delhi NCR


The "Hysteria!" concept store takes music lovers to the next level of indulgence, find out what can soon make its way to your wall, into your TV, onto your body and touch your music loving soul!

“ They say necessity is the mother of all inventions..we at hysteria! beg to differ…its boredom!” – Vineet Sethi & Manu Singh (Co – Founders)

Well just to give a premise to all this, in our last stint we ended up as Bankers - that being the single lowest point in our soon to be brutally short careers. So through the drunken haze of incessantly yelling bosses, the drone of everyday traffic, tight collars & white shirts and the race to get bald, paunchy and cynical about life by 30, we decided to call it quits while we were well…behind.

After several rounds of beer and half a minute of introspection..We realized we needed a little inspiration in life..and so we turned to the next best thing to God..Rockstars!

The first hysteria! store opened at Church Street, Bangalore in 2010 selling official music merchandise imported from around the world. We now stock merch on Superheroes, Movies, Tv series, Gaming and Sports and have branches at Forum Mall, Koramangla and TGIP mall, Noida

One can also see us hawking our exclusive merch with a flair of a street vendor at events like Comic Con, Rock shows, NH7 weekenders, Oktober fests and flea markets like Sunday soul santé and Kitsch mandi

Whats next you ask? More stores and more kick ass merch to keep you hysterical!

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