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DessertarianFest at Select City Walk Saket
DessertarianFest at Select City Walk, Saket from 24-26 March 2017
If Desserts Get you going, if you dream of a world dipped in chocolate sauce and if your happiness is wrapped in anything sweet then this festival is really for you. #DessertarianFest aims to focus just on Desserts !! This event will be taking place twice in a year at Select Citywalk and will even travel to various cities in coming months to create a community. The #DessertarianFest is going to be a memorable experience for one & all. Its well packaged with best desserts, entertainment, celebrity chef and experiential activities for the weekend. The festival will provide an opportunity to allow you to , amplify, sample, showcase and connect with the largest gathering of #Dessertarians. Just finding such a myriad collection of Desserts in a 5 minutes walking radius should have any #Dessertarian salivating.
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Event Venue
A3 District Centre Saket
New Delhi
, DL
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