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Select CITYWALK Celebrates Earth Day 22 to 24 April 2013
Events in Delhi - Select CITYWALK Celebrates Earth Day 22 to 24 April 2013
TOMORROW'S EARTH IS TODAY'S RESPONSIBILITY! Doesn't this hold true in every aspect?
Your small steps will make a huge difference! Come over at Select CITYWALK & participate to contribute your act of green this Earth Day!
Highlights :
- Face of Climate Change the MUSICAL WAY by IEEE - Contests, slogans, innovative ideas to protect the Earth
- Turning Plastic Bags Into High Fashion by CONSERVE INDIA - Buy a Conserve bag, belt, wallet, shoe, or necklace and help the environment
- Save the Earth from E-Waste by CHINTAN - Bring your e-waste for safe disposal
- "METAMORPHOSIS", an Art Installation by Arun Verma - A little imagination & old rusting scrap will grow wings. Yes, we create...but we also have the choice not to destroy!!
- In Tune With Green: Select CITYWALK supports the day by "GOING GREEN"
- Dance performance by Shiamak Davar International (India) Pvt. Ltd. - Ode to Mother Earth
Event Venue
A3 District Centre Saket
New Delhi
, DL
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